WiseGuides will provide a marketplace platform that connects career seekers with career guides. Career seekers are defined as anyone interested in career exploration. Career guides are defined as those with career experience and the willingness to discuss their career. The marketplace provides a highly efficient, cost-effective method for exploring different career paths. The career guides, after being properly vetted to enter the marketplace, will not be expected to answer the broad: “what should I do for my career?” but rather the specific “what do you do and how did you get there?” Our proposed solution will help millions of career seekers by providing nearly frictionless access to career guidance from experienced workers in a myriad of fields.

Career unhappiness stemming from mismatched career paths. While there are different reasons why so many people have not found happy work, lack of adequate career exploration stands as the foremost. Most people are only exposed to a highly limited number of career paths. We envision an online marketplace that will empower career seekers to efficiently and cost-effectively explore different career fields. Currently, many career seekers spend an enormous amount of time and energy to connect with people who might be able to tell them about careers of interest. Other career seekers simply feel lost and have not found effective ways to explore careers. An online career exploration marketplace platform will dramatically help all career seekers.

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